So I didn't get this out in time for Groundhog Day, and since I'm not living the movie, I won't have another chance. Oops.
Arts Night Out is Friday. If you're walking the Ice Art Festival up on Main Street, warm up here with some wine and/or dinner.

President's Day Weekend starts February 16th. From 6-8pm, Thornes and the UMass FAC are presenting Under 40 on the Town. If you show us your event bracelet, you'll get free Fancy Fries when your party orders $15 of wine.
If you have Monday the 19th off, maybe Sunday night you'll come in for Greek Mussels, Italian wine and Spanish guitar, though you could do that really any Sunday of the year.
On the 28th, the last day of the month and a Wednesday, we will be closed for a private event.
It's the shortest month, but there's a lot in it. We look forward to seeing you soon!